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Back in office 4/9/2020

Aloha Sukha Ohana,

I'm writing to inform you that we have closed Sukha and planning on returning April 9, 2020. 

This was a hard decision to make but one we felt was necessary for the collective in fighting COVID-19 virus and most importantly nonmaleficence (Do No Harm).  What matters most to us is your welfare.

Sukhas' purpose is to be in alignment with the collective and to lead with our hearts.  Its a scary thing to let go of the physical space we call our second home.  instead of living in fear of the "what if's" we rather plants the seeds of trust.  What perfect timing for the spring season!  We trust the universe will provide.  We trust this path will lead us to a new "knowing" of ourselves.  To rest and regroup. To explore the creative gifts we have put on hold.  A time to level up!  A time for sitting still and moving through the dirt and planting new, beautiful seeds in the empty spaces of the "uncomfortable".  I am hopeful and confident that the new seeds will flourish an inner knowing of resilience and compassion. 

We encourage you to plant your new seeds in the ground.  Be meticulous in what you sew physically, mentally and spiritually.  Take time to check in with your self-care, your truth, loved ones and your divine purpose.  Most importantly this is the time to embrace our loved ones and explore the seeds of the heart in its truest form. 

lets all do the right thing (whats in alignment) so that we can come together again with a secure peace of mind. Although we will physically be apart we are here to support you. 

Kim is doing online Yoga through the Zoom App.  Signup on-line HERE: and she will send you an invite through text   We will be doing videos to connect with you.  Send us a text or call (Cell phone numbers listed below)..  Let us know how we can support you during this time.  Maybe you can send us a text about what kind of video learning you'd like to see?  ie. my neck hurts....  What can I do on my end to ease the pain?

Some have asked how they can support us?  Here is a link to our Gift Certificate page.  You can Donate any denomination, follow the Prompts and Recipient is all you have to do.  Every little bit helps!

You can also purchase a Gift Certificate for a service to be used at a later date. HERE IS THE LINK:

Sending you prayers and love.


Kim and Amber

Kims Cell: (206)478-2550

Ambers Cell: (206) 200-1684


You can purchase doTerra through us and have it directly shipped to your home. 

Gift Certificate

You can donate to Sukha in any denomination by filling out the Gift Certificate for the AMOUNT follow the prompts and email it to


Purchase a Gift Certificate for a service to be used at a later date.

We appreciate you!


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